Shooting 'Save Canipo, Save The World'
On Canipo Island, Palawan, Philippines

If making a movie is like a grand battle, video is the special op. with a camera, a mike and a mission. I've been lucky enough to work with some great people, including Peter Goldmann, the well-known Swedish television director, who taught me much about videography, lighting and editing.

For a screenwriter, it's been useful, too. Not only in learning how words go on screen, but also because I often end up writing, directing and narrating behind-the-scenes videos for the films I'm involved in, which is probably the best way for a writer to ensure he gets on set!

Once in a while I dig something out of the vault and put it here for the fun of it. I hope you enjoy them. Click on the pix. They take a while to load.

 The Shoot
Shooting $150,000 worth of Chevy Suburban is fun.

And I do mean SHOOT

How To Park A Land Rover
So who needs a parking meter?
When a local government decided to make dog licencing mandatory we got a vox pop. Actually, a dog's vox.


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